September 2014 Archives

Thu Sep 25 04:04:08 CEST 2014

Fresh NetBSD-6-STABLE builds on hackett and nguyen

Fresh NetBSD-6-STABLE builds on hosts hackett and ngyuen, updating them to 6.1.4+.

On nguyen, this turned out to be a 7 hours build: I have xsrcs there, and that only because I made a specific xterm(1) a few months before, adding the -DOPT_DABBREV compile-time option.

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: done, marshlabs, bsd

Tue Sep 23 21:03:02 CEST 2014

More pixels!

I finally did it: while buying 30+50 meters CAT6 Ethernet cables, I couldn't resist to acquire my first Full-HD, HDMI-interfaced monitor, too, an ASUS VX229H:

ASUS VX229H, full view

It now serves as monitor for alexis, the OLinuXino-A20-Micro ARM board. (insmod hdmi required.) It is a quite nice 21.5 inch monitor, yielding close to the 100dpi which X fonts are rasterized for:

   21.5 %~ 1920 +&.*: 1080

Unfortunately, I was also too weak to resist the acquisition of a cable TV receiver (pictured in the lower left above). The most important button on the monitor panel is now the input selector, switching between the three HDMI-1/HDMI-2/VGA inputs. Because it is difficult to aim at correctly, I had to mcguyver a more convenient toggle:

ASUS VX229H, new input selector, front

ASUS VX229H, new input selector, back

Once more: duct tape to the rescue!

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: marshlabs

Thu Sep 4 19:17:19 CEST 2014

Reading up on OSPF

Finally reached chapter 7 of John T. Moy: "Ospf: Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol" which concludes everything on basic OSPF theory.

Well... as an author, JT Moy could certainly improve. These are the only two values... with the exception of... is not a sentence which will earn him the Pulitzer Prize. Then again, he took the effort to present well worked out examples. It would have been even better if all those diagrams would stick more closely to the pages referring to them. This book is indeed a "page turner".

All in all, the book is OK. It certainly is a gentle introduction into the subject matter. And the look back into the time of 1997 with its state of the art network / Internet-wise is certainly refreshing. 40.000 DFZ routes! Frame relay!

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: learned