Tue Sep 23 21:03:02 CEST 2014

More pixels!

I finally did it: while buying 30+50 meters CAT6 Ethernet cables, I couldn't resist to acquire my first Full-HD, HDMI-interfaced monitor, too, an ASUS VX229H:

ASUS VX229H, full view

It now serves as monitor for alexis, the OLinuXino-A20-Micro ARM board. (insmod hdmi required.) It is a quite nice 21.5 inch monitor, yielding close to the 100dpi which X fonts are rasterized for:

   21.5 %~ 1920 +&.*: 1080

Unfortunately, I was also too weak to resist the acquisition of a cable TV receiver (pictured in the lower left above). The most important button on the monitor panel is now the input selector, switching between the three HDMI-1/HDMI-2/VGA inputs. Because it is difficult to aim at correctly, I had to mcguyver a more convenient toggle:

ASUS VX229H, new input selector, front

ASUS VX229H, new input selector, back

Once more: duct tape to the rescue!

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: marshlabs