Mon May 4 23:49:31 CEST 2020

preparing an alexis upgrade is an OLinuXino ARM-Board. It still runs the original Debian wheezy distribution which, by now, is "a bit" long in the tooth.

There's a reason for that old system. In earlier years, the special MALI-400 GPU support tied to the 3.4 linux kernel prevented an upgrade.

In the recent past, though, the mainlining efforts have made huge steps forward.

Today, I downloaded the Olimex-provided images for their "Armbianish" Debian-buster and Ubuntu-bionic releases, and even more current versions are afoot. Another candidate for the upgrade is Arch Linux ARM.

I need to find out if its possible to use a btrfs root filesystem. This would be just great for an extensive systemd-nspawn/machinectl setup.

I still have 90 GB unassigned on the 120 GB SSD and two unused partition entries in the MBR, set aside from the start for such an upgrade.

I don't dare to do the tests during the week: The board serves as XDCP, font server, and TFTP server for the X terminal in the kitchen, as well as for the telephone (tftp). It's also the DNS server for the marshlabs. So, I wouldn't mind a rainy weekend.

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: done, marshlabs