Sat Jun 16 07:08:37 CEST 2018

Martin groks the L: (Level At)

Ten days ago, I made my first REST queries using the shell.

Two days later, I tried the same queries with J. This turned out to be quite easy because two addons do all the work:

   require 'web/gethttp convert/json'
   j =. gethttp ''

   _60 ]\ j
::/32","description":"GDS Marshlabs","last_connected":152912
g":"home"},{"name":"No NAT","slug":"no-nat"},{"name":"IPv6 T
g":"ipv6"},{"name":"system: V2","slug":"system-v2"},{"name":
"system: Resolver Mangles Case","slug":"system-resolver-mang
les-case"},{"name":"system: IPv4 Works","slug":"system-ipv4-
works"},{"name":"system: IPv6 Works","slug":"system-ipv6-wor
ks"},{"name":"Native IPv4","slug":"native-ipv4"},{"name":"sy
stem: IPv4 Capable","slug":"system-ipv4-capable"},{"name":"s
ystem: IPv6 Capable","slug":"system-ipv6-capable"},{"name":"
system: IPv6 Stable 1d","slug":"system-ipv6-stable-1d"},{"na
me":"system: IPv4 Stable 1d","slug":"system-ipv4-stable-1d"}

   _ 3 {. dec_json j
│prefix_v4     │status                             │prefix_v6     │
│              ││since               │id│name     ││              │
│              │├────────────────────┼──┼─────────┤│              │
│              ││2018-06-13T04:35:32Z│1 │Connected││              │
│              │└────────────────────┴──┴─────────┘│              │

So the json decoder turns syntactical markup into equivalent nested boxed data in the J world.

The J primitives dealing with such nested boxes are

  1. L. Level Of
  2. L: Level At
  3. {:: Map/Fetch
  4. S: Spread

Time to dig deeper into these. I spent a few hours until I really understood why, for example,

   |.  L:1  ] _ 3 {. dec_json j
│4v_xiferp     │sutats                             │6v_xiferp     │
│              ││2018-06-13T04:35:32Z│1 │Connected││              │
│              │├────────────────────┼──┼─────────┤│              │
│              ││since               │id│name     ││              │
│              │└────────────────────┴──┴─────────┘│              │

As of now, I am missing the flexibility of the { From selectors with the very rigid {:: Fetch paths. Some blend would be nice.

Also, I am still marvelling at possibilities of dyadic L: applications:

│1 2│┌────┬───────────┐│
│   ││abcd│0 1 2 3 4 5││
│   │└────┴───────────┘│

   a ;L:0 c
│││1 2│ABC│││││abcd│DEF│││0 1 2 3 4 5│DEF│││
   a ;L:1 c
││1 2│ABC│││┌────┬───────────┐│DEF││
│└───┴───┘│││abcd│0 1 2 3 4 5││   ││
│         ││└────┴───────────┘│   ││
│         │└──────────────────┴───┘│

Maybe I'll do less extra boxing for enabling each as in

   (;:'foo bar')  ,each  <'extraboxhere'

and employ L: instead in the future:

   (;:'foo bar')  ,L:0  'noextraboxhere'

We'll see.

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: learned, j