Fri Feb 28 02:54:39 CET 2014

IGEL care

A bit of care an feeding for, my main X11 Terminal. Susan was bought for 15 EUR on ebay and runs an old Firefox locally. There are some drawbacks:

  1. JavaScript/Java code will run slow and often run into time-outs; this can best be dealt with by disabling js/java altogether :-)

  2. Essentially no current SSL site will be covered by a root certificate in Firefox's CA store anymore, requiring me to ack any site cert individually.

So this night downloaded a batch of current root certs to miles and added the first NFS-mount on susan. This turned out to be easy-peasy -- instant success.

This will also help to get better unicode fonts. The ones present on susan have just too many holes. Alexis, the Olinuxino A20 ARM board just a few feet nearby, should by able to provide some vastly better fonts from its SD card.

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: done, marshlabs