jutty, meka-2014
A first stab at a jutty
mission statement, just
collecting items: http://gaertner.de/~neitzel/jutty-objectives.html
MeKa-2014 preparations:
- nguyen cvs upd on the netbsd-6 branch (done on a fast network,
build can be done during MeKa)
- a bit of X11 config, learned how to use the
(1) web browser tweaking it a bit.
MeKa-2014 todo list
private stuff:
- netbsd-6 updates on nguyen (easy) and hackett (tricky)
- rtsol / accept rtadvd or PR
- netbsd build documentation
- ral(4) rt2860 openbsd patch
- apropos -C gpg pgp
- sqlite3 documentation status?
- netpgpkeys debugging
- uucp pkg complaints
new to learn:
- rump, netbsd user mode
- xen / qemu / libvirt / virtualbox / bochs
- iscsi